Original Netflix
Documentary - 100'

Laertar-se is a verb. At once urging movement, as a vital part of life, it also turns in on itself in a constant interrogation. But she who returned is not the same man who left. And it is like this at every corner. By following Laerte Coutinho in this investigation of what it is to be a woman, this documentary becomes a space for questioning. Or at least a space for possibilities.

In this film, Laerte conjugates the body in the feminine, and scrutinizes concepts and prejudices. Not in search of an identity, but in search of un-identities. Laerte is daughter and son, grandmother and grandfather; father of three, though orphaned of one. Laerte is the one who walks their daughter down the aisle as father and woman; who, even without a uterus, gestates. Laerte creates and sends creatures to face reality in the fictional world of comic strips as a vanguard of the self. And, on the streets, the one who becomes the fiction of a real character.

Laerte, of all the bodies, and of none, complicates all binaries. In following Laerte, this documentary chooses to clothe the nudity beyond the skin we inhabit.




Official Trailer I Netflix
Available on You Tube


Direction: Lygia Barbosa e Eliane Brum
Executive Production: Alessandra Côrte e Lygia Barbosa
Screenplay: Eliane Brum, Lygia Barbosa e Raphael Scire
Screenplay Collaboration: Nani Garcia
Editor: Nani Garcia
Post Production: Marcus Pavani
Directors of Photography: Adrian Teijido, Flavio Zappala e Tatiana Lohmann
Animations: Lobo | Vetor Zero
Animation Direction: Mateus de Paula Santos
Post Production | images: Psycho N´Look
Post Production | audio and original Soundtrack: Input | Artesonora


Lygia Barbosa. Documentarista